Jordan Ward: Tiny Desk Concert

NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert is always great for an amazing, intimate concert, but I always find it great for discovering new music. And any set that starts off with a teaser of “Portrait of Tracy” will get my attention.

Jordan Ward may have started as a backup dancer for Justin Bieber and Becky G, but it’s clear he has his own star power. His approach to R&B and charisma is infectious, plus he has a killer band.

This set is glued together by the smooth bass lines of Jermaine Paul, who sets the tone from the opening notes. I got even more interested once guitarist Caleb Buchanan jumped onto his own five-string for the second track, “MUSTARD,” where he provided a rolling, lyrical part on the upper register of the bass. Both bassists then lock into a groove for “FLIGHTS” with a hypnotic hook from Buchanan. He jumps back to the guitar, giving Paul more space to throw in nasty fills during “FAMJAM4000.”

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