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Search Results for: ariane

8 results for “ariane”

Bass Transcription & Interview: Ariane Cap’s “El Soprano Diddle”
Bass Transcriptions

Bass Transcription & Interview: Ariane Cap’s “El Soprano Diddle”

Tim Fletcher is back with a new bass transcription, and this one also includes an interview and analysis. Check out the transcription (and the story behind it) on Ariane Cap’s “El Soprano Diddle”.

Talking Technique: Chromatic Groove in 7/8
Talking Technique

Talking Technique: Chromatic Groove in 7/8

Talking Technique is back! In this lesson, Ariane Cap goes into a variety of gems, from showing you a cool chromatic groove to how to count out a 7/8 as quarter notes.

Talking Technique: Wicked Riff
Talking Technique

Talking Technique: Wicked Riff

In this lesson, Ariane Cap focuses on an angular riff that presents quite the string crossing challenge. It will not only shed your technique, but it will also give you creative ideas.

Talking Technique: Geddy Lee and the Fifth Rule of Power
Talking Technique

Talking Technique: Geddy Lee and the Fifth Rule of Power

In episode #60 of Talking Technique, Ariane Cap breaks down how Geddy Lee uses power chords in Rush’s “Dreamline,” with a quick harmonic run down, tips for fingering, technical execution, and practice.

Talking Technique: Why Practice Technique?
Talking Technique

Talking Technique: Why Practice Technique?

As musicians, wouldn’t it make sense to focus exclusively on musical applications and learn by practicing mainly songs? Why isolate technique drills and put so much focus on the mechanics, seemingly devoid of any musical context? Why waste an opportunity to build ears and creative skills at the same time and instead reduce practice to apparently mindless, non-creative and non-musical...

Talking Technique: Efficient Practice Hacks #5: Mnemonics – Part 1
Talking Technique

Talking Technique: Efficient Practice Hacks #5: Mnemonics – Part 1

Harness the power of these creative time tested memory tools. They will enrich your bass playing and are useful for all walks of life. A mnemonic is any idea or device that aids in remembering something. Maybe you are familiar with “Large Elephants Jump Slowly And Sink Rapidly” – helping US students remember the seven articles of the United States...

Talking Technique: Efficient Practice Hacks
Talking Technique

Talking Technique: Efficient Practice Hacks

Are you (like me) always on the hunt for the latest and most efficient practice “hacks”? Today I am starting a series here on Talking Technique introducing you to my personal favorites. Some of them are quite unexpected, and I encourage you to try them and see the results for yourself. Some go back to ancient wisdom, and science has...

Talking Technique: The Permutation Exercise
Talking Technique

Talking Technique: The Permutation Exercise

To start things off in this new series, we’re going to be working on our left hand dexterity with the “Permutation Exercise”. Each finger is assigned a number: 1 for index 2 for middle 3 for ring and 4 for our pinky By practicing each variation or permutation of the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, we can build finger...