Seasick Steve with John Paul Jones: Write Me a Few of Your Lines

Here’s a great clip of the eclectic Seasick Steve from the iTunes Festival earlier this month. The three-stringed wonder is joined Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones, Jack White, and Allison Mosshart for an awesome and raw rendition of the tune “Write Me a Few of Your Lines.”

Check out JPJ’s bass lines, reminiscent of some the old Led Zeppelin blues jams.

If you want to skip right to the groove, the actual jam starts around the 1:52 mark.

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  1. Stephanie Anderson

    Lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvved it!

  2. As usual, the bass player is the only one in the band with nice gear… ;)

  3. Ia muito bem até o “baterista” resolver se mostrar. Bateristas exibidos já são uma praga quando sabem tocar. Quando não sabem… o horror… o horror!

  4. I stole all my stuff from that bass player, made me play bass.

  5. garbage drumming… did any of jack’s fills end on time? does he remember who jpj used to play with? yikes!

  6. Paul Joseph

    Guitarists trying to play drums =. Rushing fills and overall ‘bad time’
    Stick to guitar. Don’t embarrass yourself and the other players…

  7. Sebastian

    JPJ is a real TITAN… keeping the goove tight on top of that sloppy drumming.

    • Paul Joseph

      It’s funny how Jack gets tired out, half way through the song. Who told this guy that he could play drums?

  8. PhiDeck

    JPJ was too buried in the mix for my taste. Slide was OK, vocals sloppy, drums horrible.