Jacogrow: Improv (Fast) Fretless

We first featured bassist Choi Dong-Ju (aka “jacogrow”) about two years ago and his video “Fretless Bass Improv”.

Here he is once again, with a video he titles “Improv (Fast) Fretless”. His three-finger technique is obviously inspired by the great Gary Willis, and the closest we’ve heard to the original himself. Jacogrow even plays this on his Gary Willis signature bass.

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Leave a Reply to Kris Musshorn Cancel reply

  1. Great player. I just hope he develops some sense of his own “identity” on the instrument, otherwise he is just a clone (albeit of one of the greatest bass players ever!)

  2. I’ve seen his videos before… this guy has such a cool style. Definitely in the Gary Willis school of playing… which stands on the shoulders of Jaco. Give him a few more years — you’ve not heard the last of this player.

  3. Cool Right Hand! LIKE!

  4. I have watched this many times in the past and this is one my favorite bass in yo face videos..Inspiring!

  5. Only Flute Notes are missing and perhaps Chords…

  6. Nice! Real economy of motion, too. Funny how he has this big ramp but mostly plays over the pup anyway.

  7. Nice! Real economy of motion, too. Funny how he has this big ramp but mostly plays over the pup anyway.

  8. Great technique for sure, and this youngster has chops that put me to shame. But, did it move my soul? Not so much. Pino Palladino can play 4 notes, and it speaks volumes. That’s what moves me!

  9. The bass, the baseball cap, right hand and left hand technique, even the left leg moving.. nice Gary Willis’s impersonation.. Now why does’nt he find his own style? :(