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Carillion Guitars Archives

Bass of the Week: Carillion Guitars Callisto
Bass of the Week

Bass of the Week: Carillion Guitars Callisto

Carillion Guitars recently introduced a new model called the Callisto, which grew from a collaboration with bassist Arran McSporran. Luthier Chris Delia gave a rundown of the instrument’s creation on the Carillion Facebook page.

Bass of the Week: Carillion Guitars Promethean 6 Singlecut
Bass of the Week

Bass of the Week: Carillion Guitars Promethean 6 Singlecut

This week we’re checking out a Promethean 6 Singlecut by Carillion Guitars. Built for Martino Garattoni of Ne Obliviscaris, the bass is a six-string featuring their Promethean body and Reaver headstock.