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Transcribing Archives - Page 2

Bass in Death Metal?
Ask Damian Erskine

Bass in Death Metal?

Q: What is your opinion of the role of bass in both Death Metal and Black Metal? I’m a big fan of both styles and have tried to work out by ear, exactly what the bass is doing, but within these styles, the bass is very seldom heard. In a situation like this, what’s the best way of playing along...

Learning Music by Writing Down Your Transcriptions
Ask Damian Erskine

Learning Music by Writing Down Your Transcriptions

Q: I have been practicing bass on my own for two years while attending college. My goal is to become a working musician and I would like to at least get a gig at a church this year. I’m at a point now where I can hear a piece of music and get pretty close to the right note the...

Montana Floss Co. Launches “Soundproof” Music Player App

Montana Floss Co. Launches “Soundproof” Music Player App

App developer Montana Floss Co. has released , a music player for iOS designed to help you practice. The app allows you to create set lists as well as set repeat markers to loop certain parts of a track. Soundproof is designed for simplicity and ease of use with an oversized play button and time slider to quickly jump to...

Transcribing Hard-to-Hear Bass Lines
Ask Damian Erskine

Transcribing Hard-to-Hear Bass Lines

Q: Sometimes I have difficulty extracting the bass line from a song my band has decided to cover, especially for songs where the bass is deep in the mix. Can you recommend any applications or techniques for isolating the bass line or at least bringing it up to the surface? A: While there is something to be said for developing...

How To Groove at Jam Sessions
Ask Damian Erskine

How To Groove at Jam Sessions

Q: During jam sessions, I normally have a “hit and stick” approach to coming up with grooves. Essentially, there’s a lull between grooves where I end up peddling notes or playing the one. My keyboard player pointed this out and it bothers me. Is this something that I should be worried about? How do I lead a groove during these...

A Different Way To Listen: Thoughts on Transcribing Bass Lines
I Wish I Knew That

A Different Way To Listen: Thoughts on Transcribing Bass Lines

Think about all of the ways we can hear music… we can listen to it in our car, hear it as we walk through a super market, be encompassed by it in a movie theater, experience a private listening session on our headphones, or hook a record player up to a great set of speakers. Clearly, there are many mediums...

Amazing Slow Downer: A Look at the Transcription App for iOS

Amazing Slow Downer: A Look at the Transcription App for iOS

While I have reviewed a few different “slow downer”-type apps (including Robick and Capo), I recently gave Roni Music’s Amazing Slow Downer a try and have to say that I’m mightily impressed. I had used ASD years ago in college and found the original version of the software (shareware at that time) to be useful but, ultimately, unstable. For that...

Rhythms and Transcriptions: A How To Guide to Notating Rhythmic Patterns
Ask Damian Erskine

Rhythms and Transcriptions: A How To Guide to Notating Rhythmic Patterns

Q: I have a question about transcribing. I’m a pretty skilled player and can read, but I have a lot of problems writing down the rhythms that I hear either in my head or from a particular song. Any suggestions on how I should go about learning to notate more difficult rhythms? A: Rhythms can be tricky when you’re first...

Dr. D’s Guide to Improving Your Walking Bass Lines
The Lowdown with Dr. D

Dr. D’s Guide to Improving Your Walking Bass Lines

I regularly see students who are unhappy with their walking bass lines. Perhaps they don’t like how their lines lead (or don’t lead) from chord to chord. Perhaps they find themselves falling into predictable patterns over and over again. Perhaps their range is limited. Perhaps they just don’t find their lines satisfying. All of this can occur even when the...

SuperMegaUltraGroovy Updates Capo App for iOS

SuperMegaUltraGroovy Updates Capo App for iOS

SupreMegaUltraGroovy has updated their Capo app for iOS with version 1.2. Designed for learning, the music app allows for independently adjusting the speed and pitch of any song in your music library. Capo 1.2 adds several features, including mono re-mixing for isolating the left or right channels, which comes in handy for students working with play-alongs. A 10-band equalizer allows...

Capo: A Look Into the Song Learning App for iOS

Capo: A Look Into the Song Learning App for iOS

Many of us have longed for a good, quality “Slow Downer” for iOS. Look no further! Capo, by SuperMegaUltraGroovy, will allow you to pick any song from your music library and adjust the speed, without altering pitch or alter the pitch, without altering speed, or both. Once you’ve selected your song, you’re basically presented with the wave form. You can...

Transcribing and Incorporating Bass Lines and Licks
Ask Damian Erskine

Transcribing and Incorporating Bass Lines and Licks

Q: When I practice, I spend a lot of time transcribing different bass lines. After I’ve transcribed and learned to play it, I try to incorporate it by jamming along the record, using some of the cool ideas from original bass lines. Do you have some ideas and concepts for incorporating transcribed bass lines in your playing? A: I think...