Jeff Schmidt Solo Bass: Still Silhouette

I was trading emails with bassist Jeff Schmidt the other day, and realized it has been a long time since we featured him. Way too long.

This one goes way back to 2007, with Jeff performing his original tune, “Still Silhouette”. Jeff shared the tech behind his fretless’ synth-like sound, saying “it’s a long tail reverb into a harmonizer that creates?delayed pitch shifting effects and pans them across the spectrum. Then it goes into a distortion and eq and is added to the main signal. It’s a process I used quite a bit to varied degrees on my solo CD.”

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  1. Those are some really light strings he got on that bass.

  2. Sounds like a special tuning..Anyone know?

    • He says he uses a different tuning on nearly every solo!! His solo cd in 2007 was supposed to contain the tunings along with the song but I never checked the cd to see if it did! Pretty amazing stuff though!!

    • that looks like a mtd bass, lefty, but strung upside down with a capo. very unusual.

  3. This video is impressive, insanely impressive, but am I the only one that thinks that the combination of his effects and the piccolo strings kind of make his notes bleed together too much and lose their clarity? If it IS just me, just remember it’s ONLY an opinion. :) Otherwise this is incredible.