Hadrien Feraud: NAMM Jam with David Haynes and Randy Emata

Our friend Sylvain Gros-Desormeaux sent this video to us saying, “this is sick bass!!”

Of course, we pretty much knew that as soon as we saw Hadrien Feraud’s name attached to it.

Filmed during the 2012 Winter NAMM show, here’s Hadrien performing with David “Fingers” Haynes and Randy Emata. Enjoy.

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  1. I’m hearing some Esperanza Spalding here! :)

  2. Sometimes I fee like the only bassist in the world who isn’t in love with this dudes technique. Does anyone else think his tone really anemic? I respect that he’s better than me at a lot of things… but I’d like to hear a little tone please…..

    • I thought his technique was pretty clean in this flic… I thought the tone was good as well. But, tone can be so subjective. It’s good that players develop their own tone and technique, That way not everyone sounds like Marcus, or Matthew, Jaco, etc. etc . I respect your comment just wanted to inject. Peace,B.

    • Billy Latimer , thanks very much for the honest reply. You are correct, tone is in the ears of the beholder. For me the hands are where its at! This dude’s sound is in his pre amp and that’s not for me. I will also say I think relying on pre amp tone homogenizes your sound.

    • You might not like the tone because all the instruments are going direct into a PreSonus interface. Their preamps sound kind of bland…

  3. @DH Bennett: There’s a lot of bass players out there that are technically incredible, but sonically weak. They love that rear pickup, Jaco sound, but Jaco’s sound was mixed with a little of the front pickup which filled it out. Anthony Jackson has a great full sound always, and many others. And why is it, when a bass player starts soloing, he has to just play over the rear pickup. Marcus Solo’s all the time with both pickups on, and it sounds fantastic. Anyway, I hear ya DH!

  4. How did he learn to solo so much like a guitarist? hahaha

  5. what about the drum kit? holy shit. There maybe a dozen different reason his tone is weak. Have u heard is recordings? I personally like the mid range tone.

  6. ! SOBRENATURAL¡¡¡¡¡

    • // así es mi batería actual ; una pasada // tengo que grabar algo para mis amigos //

    • Esta claro que con esta batería corres menos riesgo de que te canten los alerones, pero pa mi gusto, pierde encanto no?

    • // pierde encanto visual pero gana encanto en ejecución y en sonido // y se transporta en una funda de ordenador portátil //

    • Estoy ten antiguo que no conocia esa…¿caja ritmica?, de sonido sorprendente y que minimiza al maximo como tu comentas su transporte, pero a mi tambien me gusta mas la bateria clasica pues es mucho mas bonito (a mi modesto entender) ver a un baterista haciendo una buena ejecucion sobre ella, y tu sabes un rato de eso. El manejo y ejecucion del “muchachito” del bajo tambien es “pa darle de comer a parte”. !!Ah!! y que no se ovide esa grabacion para los amigos.