Geddy Lee Gives Bass to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Geddy Lee

In advance of Rush’s induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame later this month, Geddy Lee has given one of his basses to the Hall.

The instrument – Lee’s Fender bass used in the recording of “Tom Sawyer” from the 1981 album Moving Pictures – was installed on Wednesday at the Hall’s museum in Cleveland, along with items from the other 2013 inductees.

Rush was announced along with the other inductees in December, 2012. The group was eligible for induction since 1998.

The induction ceremony will take place on April 18th in Los Angeles.

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  1. Retiring THE bass? Never thought I’d see the day.

    • No, It is probably a signature series. The main has a pearl inlay neck. Plus the pickguards are different. Finally, after looking at the basses he has on tour, this one isn’t even a backup to another bass.

    • Ric Jazz

      This is the original neck on a different body (which has none of the wear that his real ’72 does); Geddy’s bass had a new neck for the Time Machine tour in 2011 (gold/aged pearloid inlays instead of the black ones) but the body stayed the same.

  2. well while youre giving away basses want to sent one my way? (LOL gotta try).

  3. he shouldve given his rickenbacker.

    • No way! If he gives them his Ricky then it’s for sure we will NEVER see it on tour ever again.

    • Nope! Common misconception, but the Fender is responsible for most of that awesome tone on Moving Pictures and many others.

    • Exactly- hate to break it to you Ric lovers, but it is only on a few of the moving picture tracks, Geddy also said he played a P-Bass on some early songs as well.
      I used to own a Ric was never impressed with it and ended up selling it. Fender=Great bass on a ZILLION records.

  4. They don’t deserve that bass.

  5. I suppose now I have a reason to go to Ohio. BTW – If you own a Rick you know why the Jazz went to the museum. :)

  6. in no way does the “hall” deserve to have the bass…..they along with Kiss should buy the HOF and fire everybody in it and pave it over as the farce that it is…….

  7. Eh. He probably didn’t give them THE bass. It’s probably a Squier or a Mexi-Fender.

    • It’s probably a signature series. He main Jazz has pearl blocks. And looking at the basses he is using this tour. That bass isn’t on the list. Not even a backup to a main

  8. RUSH! Love you Geddy!

  9. He should give it to them and never play that crap bass again. The Rick was such a better bass.

    • Actually, if you listen to Geddy’s comments on the basses you find that the Ric was okay, but way too heavy to play on tour constantly. Also, the sound of the Jazz has been his “sound” much longer than the Ric was. Neither the Wal nor the Steinberger lasted long as they never sounded right.

  10. Now they can put it in a ship and cast it into the space, proving that in our times, we lived in contact with our gods!

  11. If the frets are worn down and the neck is twisted, why not hang it on the wall?

  12. Interesting that the bass given was to record Tom Sawyer. That’s a middle finger statement to the so called HOF if there ever was one…..

  13. I have seen Geddy use 3 or 4 different Jazz basses on tour…it’s probably one of his backups and not #1 that’s had its neck replaced….hell he even broke out the double neck ricky on the last tour!