You Bred Raptors?: Yukon

Named after a quote from Jurassic Park, You Bred Raptors? is a trio that does things differently. Musically it features cello, drums and a knockout 8-string bass played by Peat Rains. The band stands out even further by performing with an array of bizarres masks on.

The group was recently featured on BreakThru Radio for a performance and interview on their unique style. They play through their song “Yukon” before an interview segment with selections from their songs “Hazmat” and “Saloon.” Rains makes good use of the full scale of his custom bass by trading off leads with cellist Bryan Wilson when he’s not laying down the groove.

For more on Rains, check out his Reader Spotlight feature from last year.

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  1. Art


  2. Louis

    mmm….sounds like a guitar.

  3. Easy

    Played a random bill at Mercury Lounge in NYC with these guys – fantastic show, great musicians and cool dudes.

  4. Mike Matthews

    Yep, they are rather interesting; but I dig none the less. They’re good at what they are doing…

  5. Very grateful to have been led down the path to becoming a YBR fan when I saw last year’s piece. Thanks No Treble! Thanks YBR!

  6. Mix feels lifeless :(

  7. Pretty cool, the bass and cello roles seem to be reversed, which is unusual. I would like to see the cello used a bit more, and the bass providing more of a groove. Awesome stuff though