Dominic “Forest” Lapointe: Teramobil’s “Molecular Spectrometry” Playthrough

Dominic “Forest” Lapointe‘s playing never ceases to amaze me. Today’s featured video is the bassist’s latest face-melting playthrough for the song “Molecular Spectrometry” from his instrumental technical metal band Teramobil.

Not one to simply play roots, Lapointe’s lines are a great example of a bass player taking the lead while still supporting the song. He rips through the track with blazing two-handed tapping, crunchy chordal strumming, and a dash of slap that will blow your hair back.

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Leave a Reply to Mike Matthews Cancel reply

  1. Mike Matthews

    F’N WOW… that’s pretty bad ass. Dominic is the man!!!

  2. dochoc

    That was eeffnn good , it made my hair stand out straight.

  3. Not bad for a lefty! Ha! For real, that’s pretty sick stuff!

  4. i liked the original version of that song when it was in Sound of Music…