YYNOT: Fly By Night

It is hard to believe, but we’ve been sharing YYNOT videos for 4 years now. For those of you following along, the band started out completely virtual, recording Rush covers from the band members’ respective locations.

Since then, of course, the band has gone on to perform live concerts and has now recorded two albums.

So it was cool to see them go back to their roots in this cover of “Fly By Night.”

“We always loved the song ‘Fly By Night’ by Rush and thought we’d include it into our live show,” they share. “But then we thought, hey why don’t we record a cool internet collaboration video like we used to?! So Mike recorded the drums at his studio in Milwaukee, Tim played bass from his place in Florida, Billy and Rocky played and sang from Billy’s studio in California and there you have it! Such a cool, punchy song. Hope you like it!”

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  1. Rupert A Ambrose
