Metallica: For Whom The Bell Tolls (Cliff Burton Isolated Bass)

We love the isolated bass track videos at No Treble HQ. Here’s an extra special one, featuring the bass work of Cliff Burton, performing “For Whom The Bell Tolls”.

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  1. Kyle

    that tone is soo evil

  2. Tg

    This guy’s a brutalisk.

  3. Hmmm…
    I’ve always had my doubts about these soloed tracks. How did they end up on youtube? This is not something your average Joe would have access to, right?
    Plus, when I listen, it doesn’t sound right in a few spots. The verses…even on official transcription books, he is shown to be playing triplets. Here, he’s just letting the note ring.
    I’ve been playing bass since 1992, and I’m a HUGE Burton fan, and these lines often don’t sound right to me.
    Oh, well.

    • Nick

      Actually, I believe that they recovered the original master tapes from a basement with the help of the band so that they could put them into a guitar hero game; I believe the isolated tracks that you hear on youtube have been ripped from the game disc.

  4. Jbass69

    @Hexbass: Think people rip the tracks from the Rock Band/Guitar Hero games to get these…they’re legit!