Gear Watch: JamHub

How many times have you had a volume war during practice? Ever wish you could control the levels for each instrument? JamHub, “the silent rehearsal studio,” looks to give you that control. JamHub made it’s first appearance at this year’s Summer NAMM and is getting a lot of attention for good reason. Steve Skillings, JamHub inventor and CEO, says it best: “Bands of all types face the same old rehearsal challenges—space is expensive, inconvenient or may have volume limitations. JamHub is the solution to these problems for many bands. Bands can now play quietly enough for a bedroom, dorm room, apartment, or hotel room without disturbing the neighbors.”


The device is designed so that each band member plugs in and receives headphone output from everyone else. The slots and knobs are color-coded so you get to control the volume of what you hear. As an apartment dwelling musician I am very excited about this product, it is scheduled for USA release in September and international release in October. There are three main flavors: Bedroom which supports 5 musicians, Greenroom which supports 7 and one remote player, and TourBus which is capable of handling 7 musicians plus 2 remote players. Additional features include 24-bit stereo effects, stage control, and recording output capabilities. The SoleMix remote allows for more gear-intense players (like drummers or keyboards) to attach remotely to the central station.

From a company statement: “JamHubs were created to give musicians the freedom to jam all they want, wherever they want. When you’re jamming, it’s virtually silent to the outside world. Neighbors can’t hear it. Parents can’t hear it. Cops can’t hear it. But for everyone in the band, the experience rocks. Just pick a color section and plug in your instruments, mics and headphones. Each musician can control their own individual mixes. You’ll hear yourself like never before with amazing new clarity, no more volume wars, and your playing will improve faster. JamHub is also affordable, portable and easy to set up. So now every band can make more music more often.”

Get more details from JamHub’s web site.

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