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Columns - Page 16

Columns: How Tos, Advice & Lessons for Bass Players

How Do I Start Practicing Jazz?
Ask Damian Erskine

How Do I Start Practicing Jazz?

Q: I’ve heard some jazz (usually newer stuff) that I like and I’m thinking that I should work on it. You and others also mention that it’s a good thing to practice in general, too. But it’s so confusing and most things I find online (and your columns) are usually too advanced for me. How should I start? A: The...

How Do I Become a Good Session Musician?
Ask Damian Erskine

How Do I Become a Good Session Musician?

Q: Do You have any advice for those bassists aspiring to become session musicians? Not so much how to get exposure but how to handle yourself, gear, getting lines on the first take, being solid, etc… A: I’ve always found the studio to be very satisfying. I’m one of those players who wouldn’t mind being solely a session bassist. Invisible...

Bass Players To Know: John McVie
Bass Players To Know

Bass Players To Know: John McVie

Some records are undeniably awesome. They’ve stood the test of time thanks to stellar songwriting, clever musicianship, and excellent sound quality. They remind you of exactly how fantastic a particular band or artist is. If you haven’t listened to a record like that in a while, I highly recommend spending some quality time with Rumours by Fleetwood Mac. This record...

Best of Ask Damian Erskine: 2018 (So Far)
Ask Damian Erskine

Best of Ask Damian Erskine: 2018 (So Far)

Editors Note: Damian has been traveling extensively lately, performing and educating all over the place. So for this week’s column, we’re giving him a much-needed break. Damian’s columns are read by thousands of people every week, so we thought we’d do a recap of the most popular ones he’s published so far in 2018. Enjoy. 1. Is Rhythmic Tapping Okay...

Is It Okay to Multitask While Practicing?
Ask Damian Erskine

Is It Okay to Multitask While Practicing?

Q: I’m hoping that you can chime in on a debate my friend and I have going. He tends to multitask while he practices (Netflix shows streaming, social media feeds running, etc.) I always give him a hard time about because I feel like when you practice, you shouldn’t be doing other things but he feels like, as long as...

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The Lightbulb Moment: Coppersox And The Three Straps
The Lightbulb Moment

The Lightbulb Moment: Coppersox And The Three Straps

There was once a young girl named Goldilocks, who frequently went gallivanting around the woods looking for porridge. Most days, she left the house simply to get away from her older brother, who happened to smell profusely and play bass for hours on end. He shook the house with his low and rumbling frequencies, making everyone in his family aware...

Practicing Scales vs. Arpeggios
Ask Damian Erskine

Practicing Scales vs. Arpeggios

Q: Should I spend my time in the shed practicing scales or arpeggios? Why one over the other? A: Ultimately, you want to be familiar with everything relating to the music you want to play and your instrument, but it’s good to prioritize. When trying to prioritize in the shed, it’s important to understand why you are working on this...

Shaping A Jam Session From The Bass
Ask Damian Erskine

Shaping A Jam Session From The Bass

Q: I go to a few jam sessions in my city, which have given me great times and contacts. For the most part, I’ve been able to get over most of the pre-jam jitters and adopt more of a “whatever happens, happens” approach to sessions. But I have encountered one stumbling block related to bassist conduct that I wanted to...

Bass Players To Know: Bernard Edwards
Bass Players To Know

Bass Players To Know: Bernard Edwards

I’d like to title this column: “Better Late Than Never.” You’ve heard his bass lines at weddings, on the radio, at the supermarket, and possibly while waiting on the phone for the next available representative. His grooves defined the funk and disco era with their syncopated and infectious hooks, in-your-face tone, and get your booty on the dance floor swagger....

How To Play Hemiola Rhythms
Ask Damian Erskine

How To Play Hemiola Rhythms

Q: I’ve been playing around with hemiola rhythms and, no matter how much I try to “feel” them. I can’t. Help? A: I assume that you’re talking about rhythmic figures that repeat in a cycle and cross the barline (no obvious downbeats until the cycle has repeated enough times to bring it back to starting on the one). Literally speaking,...

Writing Songs with The Bass
Ask Damian Erskine

Writing Songs with The Bass

Q: I have a battle going on in my writing and wondered if you had words of wisdom for any that share this with me. I find that I can almost always be a “groove generator” and respond quickly to a drummer’s groove or drum loop – within a style, I am comfortable – with some sort of groove, riff...

The Lightbulb Moment: Three’s Accompany
The Lightbulb Moment

The Lightbulb Moment: Three’s Accompany

When it comes to accompanying a singer or soloist, there’s nothing like the power of three. The rock trio. The jazz trio. The trio of cheeses provided in the green room. It’s the perfect way to get the bases covered (no pun intended). While there are various forms of trio instrumentation (keys, bass, drums; guitar, bass, drums; guitar, fiddle, and...