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Columns: How Tos, Advice & Lessons for Bass Players

Ray’s raving about… Tony Grey’s Chasing Shadows
Columns, Ray's Raving About...

Ray’s raving about… Tony Grey’s Chasing Shadows

The latest CD by bassist Tony Grey, called Chasing Shadows, is something I’ve been spinning for months. If you have not heard this guy play, do yourself a favor and check him out! The CD to me is a perfect blend of musicality with some insane playing. I really love the writing and how every song has cool twists and...


A look back at Ellen Johnson’s “These Days”

These Days has been on the shelves for a bit, but it should be in every bassist’s collection. Ellen Johnson performs with bassist Darek Oles to create beautiful mixtures of voice and bass. It is not an exclusively duet album, other featured artists include Shelia Jordan, Roy McCurdy, Larry Koonse and Ana Gazzola. The album was dedicated to Johnson’s friend...

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Ask Damian Erskine, Columns

Ask Damian Erskine: Practicing and repetition

Q: How many hours a day do you practice? Do you have any practice tips? A: Admittedly, I don’t practice as much as I’d like these days. I’m married, with dogs that need walking and a mortgage and am very busy playing bass for many different people (which requires a lot of shedding of it’s own kind. Transcribing or memorizing...

Ask Damian Erskine, Columns

Ask Damian Erskine: Facility, muscle memory & musicality

Q: Can you make a recommendation in regards to how to develop speed and facility? A: I can!! In my opinion, the most common mistake people make when trying to develop speed and facility has everything to do with a lack of patience! Most people start trying to play things at speeds they can’t yet control and inadvertently practice playing...

Ask Damian Erskine, Columns

Ask Damian Erskine: Traveling with your bass

Q: I have a gig coming up that requires me to fly with my bass. I’ve never done it and don’t know if I should check it underneath or try and bring it on board! Any help? A: I’ve done it every way you can think of and each has it’s upside and downside. Here’s my breakdown of your options...


Review: Iris Ornig’s New Ground

At the end of June we posted a player-watch notice for Iris Ornig and her CD New Ground. Now we want to give you an in-depth review of why we originally recommended her. Ornig is “a gifted instrumentalist, a talented composer, and a charismatic performer.” New Ground was released March 3rd, 2009 and features original compositions as well as original...

Ask Damian Erskine, Columns

Ask Damian Erskine: Bass Line Stylings

How can I make my bass lines more interesting without feeling like I’m playing too much? I feel like when I try and do a little something to add flavor, I’m just forcing licks into the music and over-playing. A: Yeah man, there’s definitely a fine line to be drawn. There are a million ways to add flavor to the...

Ask Damian Erskine, Columns

Ask Damian Erskine: Harmony and Composing

Q: How do you approach writing a harmony once a melody has been composed? And how do you make sure the harmonic progression works in the way you like it? I assume it’s not just trial and error! A: Admittedly, I’m a newbie when it comes to real composition and yes, it had largely been trial and error. Half of...

Ask Damian Erskine, Columns

Ask Damian Erskine: Finger Plucking Techniques

Q: how do you decide when to use your three-finger plucking technique or only play with two fingers (old school style. huh?). I mean, do you usually use three finger’s style for basic riffs and play solos with two (addin’ thumb only for triplets, for example)? I’m trying to learn that your technique now, so I’m curious if I’m right...

Ask Damian Erskine: Auditioning
Ask Damian Erskine, Columns

Ask Damian Erskine: Auditioning

Q: I have an audition coming up and I really want to make an impression! Any advice? A: Definitely! Here are a few things to keep in mind. You will be taking time out of your day to prepare and audition, these guys are taking time out of their days to listen and play with a bunch of dudes all...

Ask Damian Erskine, Columns

Ask Damian Erskine: Gear (loopers and straps)

Q: Do you have any tools that you use specifically for practicing? A: The most useful tool I have at my home studio (for practicing and writing) is my Looper! I use the Boss RC-20 Loopstation (but may have to upgrade this year… it’s seen some abuse and is starting to die.. which has made me hyper-aware of how useful...

Professionalism: Making Your Mark in the Local Gig Scene
Ask Damian Erskine

Professionalism: Making Your Mark in the Local Gig Scene

Q: I am moving to LA soon and wanted to know if you had any advice for me in regards to making my mark in the local scene and trying to score some gigs? A: Great question. I’ll break it up into a few parts. As far as very tangible steps to take: Hit up every jam session you can...